ORBAT - 16.VA >E |
1. The end of the Cold war |
ORBAT - Armeyskaya Aviatsiya >E |
1.1 The withdrawal of Soviet forces from Eastern Europe |
Maps >B |
2. The Air Assets of the Western Group of Forces |
Airbases - airstrips - firing ranges >E |
3. The 16th Air Army >E |
Airfield organisation |
3.1 The fighters |
Weapons |
3.2 The target-towing units >E |
Survivals of the war and Soviet ordinary in unified Germany |
3.3 Ground-Attack Aviation & Fighter-Bombers >E |
Rangsdorf and its famous dump >E |
3.4 Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare >E |
The 16th Air Army museum >B |
3.5 Transport aircraft & Sperenberg (Airborne CP) >E |
Units museums >B Taran! >B
3.6 Air operations >E |
Gate guardians >B |
3.7 Night flying >B |
Traditions >B |
3.8 Special weapons >E |
Unit histories >E |
3.9 The aerosledges of the 16.VA >E |
From Communism to business? |
Various topics >E |
The open days |
Border patrol >E |
Lived anecdotes: |
Military Liaison Missions stories >E |
Prisoners of the « Red Army » >E |
4. The Army Aviation |
The icebreaker « Gaston Botquin » |
| 4.1 The Armeyskaya Aviatsiya in Germany >E |
Units relocations in Russia >E |
4.2 The Mi-2 "Hoplite" >E |
"After the battle" >B |
4.3 The Mi-4 "Hound" >E |
Those were the days >B |
4.4 The Mi-6 and Mi-10 >E |
4.5 The Mi-8 "Hip" >E |
4.6 The Mi-24 "Hind" >E |
4.7 The air operations and the withdrawal >E |