Texte de la bannière-lien pour ce site - Text of the link banner for this site
Soviet forces in Germany (Russian language - GSVG.RU)
The Russian Air Force in East Germany (English language)
Eastern Germany (+ other countries) military airfields/helipads/highway strips directories (English/German - MIL-AIRFIELDS.DE)
Aerodrome (and other) constructions in G.D.R. (German language - SACHSENSCHIENE.NET)
Aerodrome (and other) constructions in G.D.R. (German language - HIDDEN-PLACES.DE)
Colonel Valeri Tamarovski, commander of 20.GvAPIB (until early 1993) atypical site! (English language)
Site about the LSK/LV, the East German Air Force and Air Defense Force (German language)
U.S. Army in Germany
A "bible" about Soviet WWII units (Russian language - ALLACES.RU)
Excellent site about past and present Soviet/Russian military aviation (Russian language - AIRFORCE.RU)
Interesting site about past and present Soviet/Russian military aviation (Russian language - BELLABS.RU/FOTAB)

Military Liaison Missions

La Mission Militaire Française de Liaison (MMFL)
Keep the Cold War cold: video trailer of a French documentary about Allied missions
British Commanders'-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany (BRIXMIS) association
Cold War spies: BRIXMIS interviews part 1 -
part 2 - part 3
"Cold War Spies" (USMLM)
Lecture on the USMLM mission
