Submitted by Name: Kyle From: Seattle, WA E-mail: Contact
Comments: In January of 1995, when I was eight years old, my family moved from the great plains of the United States to Ramstein Air Base in Germany. My father had recently been posted to USAFE headquarters there. Over the next four years I was privileged to see the remnants of the Cold War first hand.
One of my father's colleagues at the time was a Luftwaffe MiG-29 pilot who had began his flying career in the NVA LSK. Less than a decade prior, both him and my father (a B-1B WSO) were enemies on opposite sides of the fence and now they were work colleagues and friends. At museums like Flugausstellung Hermeskeil I saw exotic eastern aircraft like the Tu-134, MiG-21, MiG-23, and Mi-24. It was truly an amazing time to live in Germany.
From their I developed a life long interest in Russian / Eastern Bloc aviation. Thank you for this wonderful website. I visit it quite often and it is always an enjoyment to look at.
Admin reply: Hi, Thank you. Yes indeed, a fascinating subject once you get into it! The next site update should come around February. Best regards, Hugo
Added: December 12, 2024
Submitted by Name: Charlie (navytuna) From: D.C. Area, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi y'all! I am a navy brat from the US, with a love of all things Soviet and Combat Aviation; Having access to the vast trove of knowledge that is compiled here is an absolute blessing, and I cannot express my thanks enough. I know I have only scratched the surface of it, and I keep coming back to find more information that I simply couldn't get any other way. Truly, thanks for all the wonderful information!
Admin reply: Hi, Thank you! More stuff and updates will come during the next few months and years. Hugo
Added: November 1, 2024
Submitted by Name: Joe Marcheggiani From: USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Wealth of info here. Good reading. In the 70s and 80s we were ready to lay it all out and kill some commies for mommy. If it Flies it Dies and then us and our families I guess.
Admin reply: Hi, Thanks! I have seen that a lot of people have visited the first page of the article entitled "Hawk Strike" (there is a nark hidden somewhere ). However, they did not visit the second part. There are actually 9 pages about the Hawk, divided into 3 different articles here: Best regards, Hugo Mambour
Added: January 13, 2024
Submitted by Name: Jacques Van de Meer From: Belgium, currently residing in USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: I was FCO in 62A Hawk in 74-75. Love the site. Great memories! Thanks.
Added: August 10, 2019
Submitted by Name: Robert Ruffle From: Shoreham Airport E-mail: Contact
Comments: Fantastic site, have followed it since you first started construction and have downloaded pretty much everything for my own library. Congratulations for undertaking such a task and for its great presentation. Just one question: 10 years ago I was able to print off EACH of the photos from the type/unit photo pages. Trying to up-date my records I now find it is only possible to print off the FIRST photo on each photo page. Is this intentional, or just a program glitch?
Admin reply: Hello Robert, Yes, the site will be 10 years old in September and I could upload an interesting article about the 1950s if I have enough time. Anyway, it will be uploaded sooner or later. I still have a lot of material to publish and old articles to update. As far as the pictures are concerned, it must be a glitch indeed. The only technical change was made a few weeks ago on the server (I think that they moved some stuff from one device to another). Best regards, Hugo
Added: July 4, 2019
Submitted by Name: Eric Lariviere
Comments: Dans la page Letzlinger Heide Dans la légende de la photo les numerous 23 et 24 sont inversés où les legendes sont inversées.
Admin reply: Bonjour, Merci pour votre remarque, vous avez raison. C'est maintenant corrigé. De nombreux mois après publication et malgré de nombreuses relectures, je retrouve encore parfois des coquilles. Cordialement, Hug o Mambour
Added: July 4, 2018
Submitted by Name: ROMEU Jacques From: FRANCE - 34800 CLERMONT-L'HERAULT E-mail: Contact
Comments: Merci pour ce site qui me rappelle mes missions "COMEL" comme mes veilles d'analyste technique à la station de détection n° 7. Bravo pour ce travail de vulgarisation. Cordialement.
Added: December 8, 2017
Submitted by Name: стас From: россия-воронеж E-mail: Contact
Comments: здравствуйте! очень понравился познавательный сайт-это история друх великих стран германии и россии. мне посчасливилось служить в финстервальде где познавал помимо службы жизнь немецкого народа с которым мирно общались и понимали друг друга-находили общий язык.в трудную минуту оказывали помощь.из многих мне запомнился фермер манфред-под 2 метра рослый молодой человек. остались яркии воспоминания. всем здоровья-любви-с частья и мира! 29.10 2016 г. стас
Comments: Hi Hugo, I will look in my collection and will scan some of my slides from the visits at Welzow, Finsterwalde, Grossenhain, Falkenberg, Groß-Dölln, Demmin, Wittstock, and Jüterbog ( all on base) and Mirow, Welzow, Jüterbog, Werneuchen, Finow etc. (all off base).
Comments: Very nice website! Thank you! When my friends and me from Gütersloh first visited Werneuchen in April 1991 it was very strange to see the MiG-25R landing at this base for the first time in our life! We visited Jüterborg onbase in July 1991 to take ramp pictures of one MiG-23MLD and one UB as the first Germans ever... Good old days!
Admin reply: Thank you. I think that the pictures of those two MiG-23 are on my site, probably taken by one of your friends! If you have interesting pictures from 1991 or later, they would be welcome. Best regards, Hugo Mambour
Name: Kyle
From: Seattle, WA
E-mail: Contact
In January of 1995, when I was eight years old, my family moved from the great plains of the United States to Ramstein Air Base in Germany. My father had recently been posted to USAFE headquarters there. Over the next four years I was privileged to see the remnants of the Cold War first hand.
One of my father's colleagues at the time was a Luftwaffe MiG-29 pilot who had began his flying career in the NVA LSK. Less than a decade prior, both him and my father (a B-1B WSO) were enemies on opposite sides of the fence and now they were work colleagues and friends. At museums like Flugausstellung Hermeskeil I saw exotic eastern aircraft like the Tu-134, MiG-21, MiG-23, and Mi-24. It was truly an amazing time to live in Germany.
From their I developed a life long interest in Russian / Eastern Bloc aviation. Thank you for this wonderful website. I visit it quite often and it is always an enjoyment to look at.
Admin reply: Hi,
Thank you.
Yes indeed, a fascinating subject once you get into it!
The next site update should come around February.
Best regards,