
Hugo, here a nice idea for your website : would it be possible to subcribe to an emailservice (or newsletter) notifying the subscribers of your website updates? Rgds. Carl.

Added: 1303223108
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Great site. Enjoyed the stories from Bill Burhans and Paul Nikula. I toured with both of them as well as Igor and Nick Netter between '69 to '73.

Added: 1327362275
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I finded your site looking for info about Soviet tactical nuclear bombs. Impressive personal research, data and personal implication in the topic. I've referenced your site in our usual web site,
You don't get a 10 only because some minor issues about navigation in the web site and size screen.

Added: 1291672275
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Very interesting info, photos and videos about Frontal Aviation!!!
Fantastic site, congratulations!!

Added: 1290524745
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Le 62A hawk Bie A, ce n'était pas évident pour les miliciens qui ne se sentaient et n'étaient pas impliqués comme il le fallait. C'était dur mais une école pour la vie. La description des exercices de cette période correspondent, je me souviens avoir tapé des PV pour du matériel cassé (je frappais trop fort les touches de la machine à écrire et le papier était perforé par les lettres rondes). Je me souviens aussi d'avoir été avec d'autres changer des ampoules de camions dans les unités où nous ravitaillons. Par contre nous étions sous formés pour défendre la batterie surtout face aux descriptions faite par les Russes pour nous mettre hors combat. Alpha site n'est plus utilisé et la caserne de Korbach existe toujours et en état.

Added: 1280909840
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Fantastic the new mig-27 photo section! Thank You Hugo!
This site have added an huge amount of information to Soviet air force enthusiasts like me.
Keep at it!

Added: 1277061206
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Congratulations. Like Martin already wrote: Fantastic.
From a view of an EW Ops it seems only a few years away.
Outstanding fotos etc. Of course I have all four Lutz Freund booklets (Band 1 - 4), "Rote Pätze" (Stefan Büttner), Air Zone Vol. 1-4 6-8 "Etoiles Filantes", all Volumes WAPJ (Wordl Air Power Journal) incl. Vol 20 21 "Red Stars over Germany" and other stuff...
... and now: this great webpage, which is bookmarked as No.1 !!
keep on !

Added: 1276524647
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I have been a VVS enthusiast for all my life, I must say that your site is most terrific, please keep on

Added: 1271358509
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I have been an enthusiast of the Soviet Air Forces and Armed Forces in Europe since a child, found it interesting, and obscure topic to research and learn, the weird names, the ugly looking aircrafts, and everything guy made my day, I would just have jumped ten feets higher some ten years ago, have this site existed then, now I can only jump a little low, time have made its thing!...only a word: AWESOME!

Added: 1270368400
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one word : FANTASTIC !

Added: 1269259518
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