1138 Military aviation command post Wünsdorf
597  Computer centre Wünsdorf
503  Centre for collection and processing of information Wünsdorf

139 Aviation technical regiment Merseburg

102 Aviation technical regiment Damgarten
168 Separate radio-technical and signal batallion Damgarten
366 Separate signal batallion Damgarten
447 Separate airfield technical batallion Damgarten

710 Mobile aviation repair shop Damgarten

147 Aviation technical regiment Grossenhain

Units under 16.VA direct control
42    SAR detachment Wunsdorf
60    School for aviation technicians and mechanics Potsdam
83    Separate signal and automatic command systems regiment RangsdorfPersten*
227  Operational command center Wünsdorf
315  Separate repair and maintenance of special vehicles batallion FurstenwaldeGotitcheskiy
485  Separate airfield technical support batallion Werneuchen
568  Air traffic control main unified center Wünsdorf
825  Aviation repair plant Rangsdorf
1266 Separate radio relay batallion WittenbergSterilin
1401 Special center Bad SaarowNastavlenie
2140 Aviation engineering storage StrausbergRoumyaniy
3125 Aviation depot of rocket armament (missiles) and ammunitions Biesenthal
37    Aviation range (polygon) RetzowNagaets
82    Aviation range (polygon) Damgarten

* code names
Non exhaustive list (from http://www.gsvg.ru)

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