Les pilotes du 20.GvAPIB avec le colonel de la garde Valeri Tamarovski ŕ leur tęte, ainsi que le personnel de support, quelques véhicules et une partie des avions, prirent la pose ŕ Gross Dölln en 1991 pour cette photo mémorable.

20.GvAPIB pilots together with support personnel and some aircraft and vehicles, were posing at Gross Dölln in 1991 with Guards Colonel Valeri Tamarovski for this memorable picture.

Left row aircraft (from bottom to top): Right row aircraft (from bottom to top):
27 with sharkmouth?
2205 with bat nose art
?42 big blue/grey paint patch on nose; OKB Sukhoi logo on top of nose; aircraft repainted later
44 - aircraft repainted later40
46?44 green paint patch on nose; OKB Sukhoi logo on top of nose above paint patch