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.Wittstock diagram
Layout of the main targets on the Wittstock firing range.
Top left: latitude and longitude coordinates - range entry course: 275°
Altitude: +80M - Magnetic declination: -1°
1A. Infantry platoon27-1G. Cd and ctrl point: 2 radars and 1 radio station 62-2. NW aircraft targets
7. Lance mockups.27-P1.Rocket launchers-5 62-3. SW aircraft targets
105/62. Metallic radar reflectors27-P2.Rocket launchers-5 62-4. HAS
27-1A. Hawk mockups42. Pershing-2 mockups 62-5. Fuel and lubricants store
27-1B. Hawk mockups62. Runway 2800 x 50 m 62-6. E-3A and TR-1 mockups
27-1V. Hawk mockups62-1. Zveno on NW side of the runway 62-8. Armament store

100. Small targets for guns and unguided rockets.
101. Luftwaffe era target circle for bombs - was not used.
E-3A and TR-1 targets were primitive wooden-metal constructions with real aircraft size.
The E-3A target was later figured by the An-10VKP > LINK
Google Earth file with more targets > LINK
Hawk sol-air missiles > LINK
Lance surface-to-surface missiles > LINK
Pershing MRBM > LINK
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