
1- Site de missiles S-125 avec quatre positions de tir de la 541ème Section de missiles sol-air (541.ZRDN - 541-y Zenitno-Raketniy Division).
2- Site radar du 631ème Poste de détection radar (631.RLP - 631-y Radiolokatsionniy Post) regroupant des radars et des véhicules radar P-40 "Long Track," 9S15M "Bill Board," P-15 "Flat Face," P-18 "Spoon Rest,"
    PRV-16 "Thin Skin B," P-37 "Barlock-B," PRV-13 "Odd Pair" et des camions radio R-137 et R-140.
    Le 631.RLP était attaché au 485ème Bataillon radio autonome (485.ORTB - 485-y Otdel'niy Radiotekhnitcheskiy Batal'on) dont le QG était également stationné dans la même zone.
3- Site RSDN (Radiotekhnitcheskaya Sistema Dal'ney Navigatsii - Système radio de navigation à longue distance). On distingue à l'intérieur des ellipses l'ombre des mâts des antennes.
    Ce site faisait partie d'une chaîne RSDN dont les stations étaient à Kaliningrad, Legnica (commandement) et Damgarten.
4- Dépôt de munitions (bombes, roquettes etc.).

1- S-125 battery site with four missile positions of the 541st SAM Section (541.ZRDN - 541-y Zenitno-Raketnyy Division).
2- Radar site of the 631st Radar Post (631.RLP - 631-y Radiolokatsionniy Post) comprising fixed and mobile radars of the following types: P-40 "Long Track," 9S15M "Bill Board," P-15 "Flat Face," P-18 "Spoon Rest,"
    PRV-16 "Thin Skin B," P-37 "Barlock-B," PRV-13 "Odd Pair" and R-137 and R-140 radio vans.
    The 631.RLP was under the command of the 485th Independent Radio Battalion (485.ORTB - 485-y Otdel'nyy Radiotekhnicheskiy Batal'on) that was headquartered in the same area.
3- RSDN (Radiotekhnicheskaya Sistema Dal'ney Navigatsii - Long-range radio navigation system) site. One can see the shadow of the antenna masts inside the ellipses.
    This site was part of an RSDN chain, the stations of which were located at Kaliningrad, Legnica (command post), and Damgarten.
4- Ammunition depot (bombs, rockets, etc.).