Control box Control panel for type "D" reconnaissance pod

1.   AShchAFA-5M status light
2.   Forward A-39 status light
3.   Lateral A-39 status light
4.   Camera hatches status light
5.   Triggering of forward A-39 cameras
6.   Triggering of the AShchAFA-5M camera
7.   Triggering of lateral A-39 cameras
8.   Cameras heating
9.   Radar or pod selection (it was not possible to use the reconnaissance pod and the
      onboard radar at the same time)
10. Altitude selection in kilometers
11. SPO-3 Sirena on / off
12. ASO-2I : manual / automatic (triggered by the SPO-3)
13. ASO-2I : sequential (flares ejection from one cassette) / parallel (flares ejection from the two
      cassettes simultaneously) / off
14. ASO-2I : selection : salvos of 4 flares / salvos of 16 flares
      The two cassettes contained 32 cartridges each. In sequential mode, it was possible to fire 16 series
      of 4 cartridges or 4 series of 16 cartridges. In parallel mode, one could fire 8 series of
      8 cartridges or 2 series of 32 cartridges.
15. Flares drop in manual mode
16. Lira recorder : automatic / off / continuous recording

> The control box for the type "R" pod had a switch to trigger the heating of the Romb A and B SIGINT systems. The four status lights were related to the Romb A and Romb B systems, the A-39 camera
   and the camera hatch. Selector n°10 was not mounted.

> The control box for the type "N" pod had six status lights: UA-47 camera, illumination flares cassette n°1, cassette n°2, cassette n°3, cassette n°4, camera hatch. Selector n°10 was not mounted.

Nacelle D

Nacelle D

Nacelle D

Type "D" pod

1.   DV-3 fan
2.   Power unit 94-7303-10
3.   Relay box 94-7302-60
4.   Amplifier UDM-150A
5.   Command instrument for the AShchAFA-5M camera
6/7.A-39 cameras (inaccurate representation - see detailed diagrams below)
8.   SPO-3 Sirena
9.   Time relay RV-1
10. ASO-2I control box
11. MS-61 Lira tape recorder
12. KDS-19 cassettes (two)
13. Monitoring electrical connector for checking equipment operation on the ground
14. Switch box 94-7303-60
15. DV-3 fan
16. Command instrument for the A-39 cameras
17. Converter PO-250
18. Line output coupler PLV-1
19. Command instrument for the AShchAFA-5M camera
20. Slot-hole aerial camera AShchAFA-5M
21. DV-3 fan
22. Two A-39 cameras (forward sector)