A Mi-24V of the 305.OVE OP above the auxiliary runway of its home base at Gross Dölln. That unit was assigned to the 25th Tank Division of the
20th Guards Combined Arms Army until 1989.
The 487.OVP BU that was temporarily based at Gross Dölln
between 1989 and 1991 was created with elements from the 305, 307, 346.OVE OP and the 70.OVO.
This helicopter became bort number 04 when it was assigned to the 487.OVP BU
The unit initially was to be redeployed to the new helicopter base in Prenzlau (its staff was based there); however, because of the new political
situation and local protests
(see this >LINK)
it moved instead to Werneuchen in June 1991 after the last MiG-25 squadron had departed that base.