A Mi-2T of the 298.OVE BU from Hassleben seen in a Werneuchen hangar in March 1993.
This Mi-2 had some additional features compared to the other Mi-2s in this photo gallery:
- It was equipped with an "Article 020" IFF system, the forward receiving antennas of which being mounted in the lower part of the nose. More antennas
were located above and under the fuselage and under the tail boom. Another fairing for one of the antennas was located at the end of the tail boom right
behind the tail skid.
- The black rod under the right side of the fuselage behind the access door was a drain to evacuate excess oil that gathered at the bottom of the engine bay.
That drain was present on all Mi-2s, but most of them lacked that black Durite extension.
- There also was a slight bulge in front of the fuel tank, under the first cabin window. A fuel filter pump was located there as was the case with every Mi-2.
However, the filter model used on this particular "Hoplite" necessitated an additional fairing to accommodate it.
- Two antennas instead of one were mounted on top of the tail boom above the side number. The left one could be found on any Mi-2 model. It was related to an R-860 radio
that operated in the 118-136 MHz frequency range on 220 fixed channels. The additional antenna on the right side was for an R-852 receiver. The latter was associated
with the ARKU-2 automatic direction finder (the loop antenna of which was located under the fuselage between the main landing gear legs). The system was used
to locate emergency VHF radio emissions or beacons.
All Mi-2s also were equipped with an R-842 radio that operated in the 2-8 MHz frequency range. That radio used a long dipole antenna placed between
the red star and the tail boom end on each side of the helicopter.
